After School and Friday PROGRAMMING
ABC provides a carefully designed schedule of activities that are grounded in evidence-based programs and strategies and focused on:
Academic support • Life/social skills development • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)
Art programming • Physical Education programming
Academic Support/Literacy Instruction
ABC stresses the importance of homework in promoting academic excellence and self-discipline and sets time aside every day for students to complete their homework or work on academic skill development. Students are expected to bring their homework to ABC and be responsible for taking it out of their backpacks and working on it during the designated time. Staff members will supervise the homework area and assist the students with their work but will not be able to check each student’s homework for accuracy. Parents are strongly encouraged to review homework daily. Students having difficulty meeting benchmarks in reading will work though lessons in the program’s differentiated literacy curriculum. Students having difficulty meeting benchmarks in other core subjects may be assigned to work with trained tutors. ABC uses the Bridges and Foundations curriculum to build academic proficiency.
Students in grades 2nd and up, who do not have homework and are not working with tutors may use homework time to practice academic skills, explore STEM activities, or read a book.
Life/Social-Emotional Skills Development
ABC stresses the importance of strong social awareness, relationship, problem-solving, and responsible decision-making skills. During this time, students will work on community building; developing pro-social, listening and communication skills; understanding others’ perspectives; managing anger and aggression; resolving conflicts; making decisions; avoiding peer pressure; understanding culture; respecting differences; and avoiding stereotypes.
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)
Students will work with committed teachers to understand the basics of STEM through hands-on curriculum that provides them with 21st century skills, the ability to collaborate, work in a group, and problem solve.
Students will work with committed teachers to explore the creative process using different methods. We utilize a process-based approach, where students are encouraged to engage with different art mediums in an exploratory way.
Physical Education
Students will receive daily outdoor unstructured play, as well as weekly PE instruction. This instruction will focus on team building, physical skills, collaboration, and different movements.